Mankind Pharma, one of India's leading pharmaceutical companies, is all set to launch its second Initial Public Offering (IPO) on April 25, 2023. The company had earlier filed a draft red herring prospectus (DRHP) with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in March 2023. The IPO is expected to raise around Rs. 6,000 crores and will be a mix of fresh issue and offer for sale (OFS) by the promoters. The grey market is indicating strong demand for the IPO, and the IPO is expected to be oversubscribed.
Mankind Pharma - A Brief Overview:
Mankind Pharma was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in New Delhi. The company has a presence in more than 34 countries and is one of the top 5 pharmaceutical companies in India. Mankind Pharma has a diversified product portfolio that includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) products, and animal health products. The company has a strong focus on research and development (R&D), and it has seven R&D centers in India.
Grey Market Indications:
The grey market is an unofficial market where shares of IPOs are traded before they are listed on the stock exchange. The grey market can provide an indication of the demand for an IPO and can help investors gauge the potential listing gains. The grey market premium (GMP) for the Mankind Pharma IPO is indicating strong demand for the IPO. As of April 20, 2023, the GMP for the Mankind Pharma IPO is around Rs. 600-700, which is a significant premium over the issue price of Rs. 500 per share.
Reasons for Strong Demand:
There are several reasons why the Mankind Pharma IPO is generating strong demand in the grey market. Firstly, Mankind Pharma is a well-established brand in the pharmaceutical industry, and investors are confident about the company's growth prospects. Secondly, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years, driven by factors such as increasing demand for generic drugs and a growing middle-class population. Thirdly, Mankind Pharma has a strong distribution network, which enables it to reach customers in both urban and rural areas.
The Mankind Pharma IPO is generating strong demand in the grey market, indicating that the IPO is likely to be oversubscribed. The company's well-established brand, strong growth prospects, and strong distribution network are some of the factors that are driving investor interest in the IPO. However, investors should also consider factors such as the company's financial performance, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment before making an investment decision. As always, it is advisable to consult with a financial advisor before investing in the stock market.
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